Today’s topic: SELFLOVE


Why talking about self-love again? and again? I know the subject can get boring and repetitive sometimes, but it's still something we're all striving to achieve. To be honest, I believe every experience is different, and mine won't be better than others or more inspiring. It's just another case you'll able to had to ...



Azi iti povestesc despre cea de-a 25-a editie aniversara a Galei UAD, o editie speciala, plina de surprize ce a avut loc saptamana trecuta, pe data de 29 iunie 2019 intr-o locatie iconica Clujului si anume la Teatrul National Cluj-Napoca. Evenimentul marcheaza absolvirea studentilor si masteranzilor Universitatii de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca si sarbatoreste 25 de ani de Gala de moda la Cluj, un sfert de secol de creativitate si pasiune pentru frumos.



[vc_column width="1/2"] Hello, babes! Acum aproximativ o luna de zile, primeam un mail ce mi-a facut ziua mai senina. O frumoasa propunere de colaborare din partea celor de la TOMMY HILFIGER pentru TOMMY JEANS Colectia de Toamna 2018, o provocare care m-a facut sa fiu happy si excited inca de pe atunci. Colectia de Toamna TOMMY JEANS, celebreaza personalitatile americane, venind ...

Schimbare de look- Extensiile MAGO HAIR


I found myself caught in the situation of loving both long and short hair! As I wore my hair short in the past years, I missed having my hair long again. That untill I found the perfect sollution to my situation: the hair extensions and not any hair extensions, but ones healthy for my own hair and still easy to wear all around. Let me introduce you MAGO Hair Extensions:

Gala UAD 2018


Hellow-Hei! Revin vesela azi pe blog deoarece vreau sa iti povestesc despre cea de-a 24-a editie a Galei UAD. Sambata trecuta, pe data de 30 Iunie 2018, a avut loc cel mai asteptat eveniment de fashion din Cluj-Napoca, Gala UAD, eveniment ce marcheaza absolvirea studentilor si masteranzilor Universitatii de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca, in cadrul careia au fost prezentate 21 de colectii vestimentare.

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