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Momente hygge si noua colectie de cafea Nespresso

Momente hygge si noua colectie de cafea Nespresso


Hello and let’s get cozy together!

Mai tineti minte ca va povesteam cu ceva timp in urma ca brandul NESPRESSO a ajuns la Cluj-Napoca si ca eram super incantata despre aceasta veste? Ei bine, acum in prag de sarbatori, Nespresso a lansat o editie limitata de capsule de cafea cu inspiratie nordica, Nordic Indulgence.

NESPRESSO a ajuns la Cluj-Napoca

NESPRESSO a ajuns la Cluj-Napoca


Hello, hei! Azi, vreau sa va iau cu mine in lumea cafelei si anume la evenimentul NESPRESSO din data de 18 octombrie 2019, eveniment care a celebrat deschiderea unui nou punct de vanzare, de data aceasta la Cluj-Napoca, in noua aripa a mallului Vivo.




Azi iti povestesc despre cea de-a 25-a editie aniversara a Galei UAD, o editie speciala, plina de surprize ce a avut loc saptamana trecuta, pe data de 29 iunie 2019 intr-o locatie iconica Clujului si anume la Teatrul National Cluj-Napoca. Evenimentul marcheaza absolvirea studentilor si masteranzilor Universitatii de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca si sarbatoreste 25 de ani de Gala de moda la Cluj, un sfert de secol de creativitate si pasiune pentru frumos.

Gala UAD 2018

Gala UAD 2018


Hellow-Hei! Revin vesela azi pe blog deoarece vreau sa iti povestesc despre cea de-a 24-a editie a Galei UAD. Sambata trecuta, pe data de 30 Iunie 2018, a avut loc cel mai asteptat eveniment de fashion din Cluj-Napoca, Gala UAD, eveniment ce marcheaza absolvirea studentilor si masteranzilor Universitatii de Arta si Design Cluj-Napoca, in cadrul careia au fost prezentate 21 de colectii vestimentare.

Join my #INDIEteam at Glamour Street Fashion Show

Join my #INDIEteam at Glamour Street Fashion Show


Get ready for the most glamourous event of the year, Glamour Street Fashion Show. I’m so happy to announce you that this year, my 3rd year in a row, I’m gonna participate as an Ambasador of the event. That’s why I need your help, to join my #INDIEteam and win the prizes! Read the details and let’s get in this together:

About GalaUAD

About GalaUAD


Gala UAD, the 23rd edition. A notorious fashion event, that happens every year at Cluj-Napoca celebrating young talented students of University of Arts and Design from my city, Cluj-Napoca. I was invited at the event to enjoy their collections, to admire their creations and simply to delect myself with creativity. But more, you can read in this post:

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