Browsing Category Travel




Constanta city and Black Sea are destinations that remind me of my childhood holidays, my parents, my little brother and of my summer getaways while I was in the 10th grade. Now, after almost eight years, I’ve come to revisit the places that honestly I remember … quite vaguely. I liked the city so much that I want to share with you the places that have come into my heart, so I made a top 5 MUST-SEE locations in Constanta plus tips where you can eat well, what to do when you get into the city, so enjoy:

The MINI Adventure

The MINI Adventure


Nothing is better than a sweet trip to the mountains! Imagine yourself driving.. in front, see the blue sky and some delicious fluffy clouds. The road you are walking is like a sheet of paper which carries you on a serpentine path of a road. Your freind make you laugh with their jokes and there’s a summer song playing in the background, while through the open window of the car, the water is heard by a river flowing and the birds are singing without a pause. To the right and to the left of the road where you are going, you see more and more […]

Ski time

Ski time


The most satisfying moment after you drop the work mode off is to take your mind from it. Sometimes I go for a long bath full of bubbles, sometimes I go for shopping, but this time, I went for a day on the mountain. Ski day, it was a blast!

Above chaos

Above chaos


My boyfriend, doing his magic above the city, at night. This reminded me of poetry, about how I started writing lyrics and taking photos. How happy I was when I got my 1st DSLR and how I got where I am today. I am thankfull for everything I have, for the memories, for the people.

First day at sea this year

First day at sea this year


First time when I see the sea this year is right in it’s second day! 🌊☀️Trust me or not, but dreams do come true if you believe in yourself and the person you share them with! I dreamed about sea and sand and sun since I came back from Spain in october and guess what?! A miracle did happend!

Hello 2017

Hello 2017


I’m sending my first thoughts from this New Year! Together with the story behind the vacation we spontanously taken on New Year’s Eve. The VLOG from our 1st day in vacation is LIVE, so better stay updated and watch the adventure from our 1ST DAY IN 📍 BARI, ITALY.

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